A Creative Brand: Communication that you Will not Forget


Netflix has been able to be part of our daily life, but it’s obviously through its communication, linked with its content, that knows how to reason and make Netflix the giant of the online streaming services.
In this article, we offer you a focus on Netflix’s communication strategy, to know how the brand has become so important to us.

How does the brand communicate on Social Media?

In France, the brand has a very specific communication on Social Media, at the heart of the communication strategy of the brand.

At the crossroads of a media access to entertainment, reminiscent of the fun content of a media brand like Konbini, and a communication as close as possible to its content. The brand manages to both inform us, through interviews and news related to its offer, and entertain us, with the creation of « mem » using its content or by playing on trends found on Social Networks and well known by its audience.

A smart strategy, which allows the brand to gain subscribers who are not only looking to learn about what Netflix releases, but also to be entertained on Social Media. (ndlr: Netflix can be your best friend)

But the brand does not stop there, as it seeks to diversify further.

Horoscope based on its content in Instagram story, micro-trotters related to its catalog on YouTube or the resumption of the best trends Tiktok … Netflix has not finished surfing on trends.

A communication that pleases on Social Medias, since Netflix is associated with 53% of positive comments:

Netflix, a viral brand?

A lot of people visit Netflix on their social networks. The best support for Netflix, and what makes the platform viral, is undoubtedly its content.

The best example is from this mid-September. The streaming platform released Squid Games, a small original series produced in South Korea.  At the time of its release, the series was not considered as having a great potential for the streaming platform. The communication was not there; a simple broadcast of the trailer on Instagram and a tweet on social networks had been enough.

But it was without counting the global success of the series and the effect of word of mouth.

Indeed, a few people having watched the series were enough to transform a small independent series into a real worldwide success, even the best success of the platform.

And how? Thanks to the virality of social networks. Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, all of them have contributed to the success; the illustration of the importance of earn media for the brand.

Netflix has experienced a spike in citations on the net, these have almost doubled, going from 2M to over 4M between September 13th and 20th. An increase that coincides perfectly with the release of the famous series, on September 17th.

An idea that we can totally find in the words associated, between Korean word, name of the director and name of the series in different languages, it is clear that in the last 3 months, Netflix has largely been associated with the success of the series.

Namely that today, almost 2 months after the release of the series, it is still associated with the platform.

A proof here again that the content proposed by the platform is at the heart of its communication strategy, and almost of its identity. Indissociable from the platform, the content makes it live and supports its status of leader in the entertainment industry.

And what about the Netflix experience, beyond the platform? 

For Sex Education, Netflix offers communication operations totally in line with the objective of this iconic series; to raise awareness and discuss sexual development of teens without taboos. By proposing a book on sexuality to promote season 2, then a card game to encourage personal and sexual development, Netflix continues in the launch of the series while operating its communication.

Another exemple, to allow the viewer to continue to live the experience of Money Heist, the brand offers since late July, an escape game on the theme of the series. Simple and effective to immerse us in the universe of the series and make us live a real experience with the brand and its content.


So many innovative and creative operations, which allow the brand to become fully viral during the operation and to gain visibility and notoriety.

A communication that benefits the notoriety of Netflix for the good of society?

The lockdown has really been beneficial for the platform, for having been one of the main activities of the confined life. But through its communication, Netflix has still managed to encourage good behavior in these periods of confinement, and this, playing on the reputation of its original productions.


How? By displaying posters spoiling these series: if you are spoiled because you went out while we had to be confined, it’s your fault!

An innovative idea, one of more times relayed on the networks, which fuels even more the quirky personality of the brand but which especially strengthens its reputation and the one of its productions. A clever operation that proves the impact of Netflix on our society today.

The communication strategy of Netflix is therefore essential in the shaping of its success; innovative, creative, funny in line with its quirky personality, Netflix and its content are then viral on social media, and thus makes the brand sound worldwide.

____________  Noémie TSILA

Word count: 902 

Works Cited –

La Casa de Papel: The Experience. https://lacasadepapelexperience.com/paris/

-, N. (2020, March 26). NETFLIX A TROUVÉ UNE SOLUTION RADICALE POUR QUE LES GENS ARRÊTENT DE SORTIR ! Hitek.fr. https://hitek.fr/42/netflix-solution-radicale-confinement_7622

Kwun, A. (2021, November 12). How « Squid Game » Reflects South Korean Culture and History. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/11/style/squid-game-track-suits.html

Bosle, C. (2021, October 27). Netflix : décryptage d’une stratégie social media à succès. Spitak. https://www.spitak.fr/netflix-decryptage-dune-strategie-social-media-a-succes/#:%7E:text=Netflix%2C%20c’est%20des%20contenus,aux%20pays%20et%20r%C3%A9gions%20concern%C3%A9s.

Illustrations –

Money Heist campaign. (n.d.). [Photograph]. Spitak. https://www.spitak.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Netflix-Communication-Street-marketing-casa-de-papel-1024×576-1024×585.jpg

Netflix. (2020, March 26 ). Spoiler Netflix confinement Covid 19 [Photographies]. Hitek. https://static.hitek.fr/img/up_m/1767483942/spoilersnetflixconfinementcovid19home2.webp

Research on digimind, looking for Netflix word and Casa de Papel

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